Deborah Howland-Murray Self-Images
3 Pass the Drawing, Please

Materials you will need: Paper, markers, crayons, craypas, or colored pencils, and a way to keep track of time. This is an activity for more than one person, great for families!
Decide how long you want to work. Total time should be divisible by the number of people participating. For example, if you want to spend one hour drawing and have 3 people, you will have 3 time intervals of 20 minutes each. Draw whatever you like, either from imagination or something you see in your surroundings. When the first interval is up, pass your drawings clockwise to the person next to you, and work for the same increment of time. You must incorporate what is already on the paper, but make it into something entirely new. It can help to turn the paper to see new shapes and possibilities. Repeat passing and drawing until you receive your original paper back. You should have worked on each paper, and everyone should have worked on yours!